Name: GE 8mm Camera Cost: $300 Description: Our very first camera. This camera surved us well until it met its final demise after falling to the ground and refusing to play anymore. Movies Used For: (17) Attic Trap (1996) Crop Circles (1995) Danny on the Moon (1993) Door to Nowhere (1996) Hiff Clanger (1994) Honey, I'm Home (1993) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Destruction (1995) Karate Tyrants (1994) Monster in the Woods (1994) Power Rangers (1994) Skits 1993 (1993) Skits 1994 (1994) Skits 1995 (1995) Stupid Karate Kid, The (1994) Supid Karate Kid 2, The (1995) Vampire Movie, The (1996) X-piles (1994) |