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Movies - 66 Record(s)

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Movies (25)
Attic Trap (1996)
Auntie Helga's Christmas (1998)
Auntie Helga's Christmas Carol (2005)
Black Sand (2008)
Crop Circles (1995)
Door to Nowhere (1996)
Ductorian Chronicles (2005)
DuctWars: Forgotten Past (2002)
DuctWars: Midnight Shadows (2004)
DuctWars: The Rebellion (1999)
DuctWars: The Silver Enemy (2000)
Hobo Who Was Dependant on a Stupid Zombie Name, The (2009)
Monster in the Woods (1994)
Nerd 2 Turd in 3 days (1998)
Pat the Vampire (2005)
Rogue Entity (2005)
Six Aces (2000)
Stupid Karate Kid 3, The (1997)
Stupid Karate Kid, The (1994)
Supid Karate Kid 2, The (1995)
Vampire Movie, The (1996)
Vengeance of Hobbes (1998)
Zombi Fourest: The Tanzwut (2004)
Zombie Jamboree: The Day the Dead..uh..Weren't (2001)
Zombie Zinger: A Bedtime Story (2008)

Shorts (24)
12 Days of Christmas (1987)
Christmas Season Red Hot Poker (1994)
Collapse (1999)
Cops and Explosions (1999)
Duct Tape Wars (1995)
Goshzilla (1998)
Goshzilla 2000 (2001)
Goshzilla 2005 (2005)
Hangin' with the Homey-o's (1998)
Hawaiian Sampler (2003)
Hiff Clanger (1994)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Destruction (1995)
Karate Tyrants (1994)
Lamb-cha's Adventure (1998)
Movie Reviews (1998)
Orthodontist, The (1999)
Power Rangers (1994)
Qui s'ont foit? (1999)
Silver Alien 1, The (1994)
Silver Alien 2, The (1994)
Silver Alien 3, The (1994)
Statue of Goodness, The (1999)
Super Armor Man vs. Super Sirhc (1994)
Whip Tricks (2003)

Collections (17)
Attic, The (1998)
Cartoons (1998)
Danny on the Moon (1993)
Honey, I'm Home (1993)
Skits 1993 (1993)
Skits 1994 (1994)
Skits 1995 (1995)
Skits 1998 (1998)
Skits 1999 (1999)
Skits 2000 (2000)
Skits 2001 (2001)
Skits 2002 (2002)
Skits 2004 (2004)
Skits 2005 (2005)
Skits 2006 (2006)
WHO Cares (1998)
X-piles (1994)


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